Monday, July 15, 2019

Review and Monologue Writing Resources


Below is the monologue sample to help you in writing your monologue:

The monologue requirements can be found in a previous post.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lit Circles

I handed out copies of "Of Mice and Men" along with our Lit Circles Packet  Lit circles are a new way that we are going to be looking at this novel.

Reading Schedule for 7A Group
Reading Schedule for 7B Group
CLICK HERE for a digital copy of the Jobs Packet

It is important for students to follow the schedule carefully and complete their jobs. Everyone will do each job once. It is also important for students to keep their packets in tact to turn in at the end of the novel for an overall final grade.

Below are some resources to help students with some of the jobs in their packet:

Click here for a link to information on Bloom's Taxonomy that is mention in job #6 Discussion Director.

Below are the the review slides needed for the Critical Theories need for job #6 Critic: