Thursday, June 20, 2019

Overview from 6/19 and 6/20

We had our first book discussion day on 6/19.

On 6/20, we started talking about types of IRONY. The notes are below. Students should now be thinking about the Psychoanalytic Criticism AND types of Irony as they are reading.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Overview from 6/18

Today we took notes on how to annotate AND the first of 6 critical theories we will discuss this summer. The notes are below:

Homework is to read the first 70 pages of "Long Way Down" and be prepared to discuss how the psychoanalytic criticism can be employed. What motivates one of or several of the characters?

The reading schedule for the rest of the book is as follows:
Email me at with questions

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Overview from 6/17

Today students got an overview of what we would be working on this summer with the opportunity to ask questions. 

Students will read and annotate outside of class each day to be prepared for class assignments and discussions.

Here are annotations guidelines and the reading schedule for our first book:

For Wednesday students need to read and annotate pages 1-70 before class. Annotations will be checked at the start of class before we begin our assignments and discussions. 

If students miss a class, they MUST email me on the day of their absence to obtain their assignment.

Feel free to email me at with any questions